Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Perugia - May 26th, 2010, Part 1

Today was pretty eventful. We started the day with "colazioni" (breakfast) in the hotel. Italians basically don't do breakfast at all, I guess to save room for lunch and dinner. We had some cappucini and yogurt, but they didn't have much else. I stuffed a portion-control packet of nutella and a packet of cookies in my pocket for later, just in case I didn't make it to "pausa".

After colazioni I took some time to post a blog post my backlogged blog posts and photos. You've seen the fruits of that labor by this point. Elly got frustrated because it took me WAY TOO LONG. Hopefully you guys appreciate this stuff, heheh.

Once Elly was able to drag me out of the hotel lobby we went for another long, beautiful walk through Perugia. It is amazing how you can see so many different places in such a small area. The way the streets weave in and out of each other, with all the narrow little shops, there really is a LOT more to see per square foot. Elly took me out to the apartment she stayed in while she was here, and my random wanderings took her to a few hidden nooks in her old neighborhood that she'd never seen before.

One of these nooks was this antique looking garden with a undomesticated, sunbathing cat. Elly spent a bit of time attempting to pet the kitty, but he was too timid. She got a pet or two on his head, but it became pretty clear that he wasn't used to being around people.

We wandered far and wide, up and down Perugian narrow, staircase vias. We walked and snapped photos for almost three solid hours.

Quite tired and hungry by this time, we went back toward the hotel to "al Mangiar Bene" for pausa. Down, down, down a narrow staircase to a cute little restaurant. This time I would not be defeated; I had a prima course (rigatoni in pepper-cream sauce), and a secondi course (prosciutto and mozzarella bufala).  We were both quite stuffed.

Its amazing to me how much Italians eat, but they're basically all so skinny. Then again, with all the staircases around here, I guess they get plenty of exercise.

Between regular tiredness and MS fatigue, Elly almost fell asleep at lunch. Back to the hotel for a nap (for her) and more blogging/pictures (for me).

No culture shocks today. At least not so far. I guess I'm Italian now. ;)


"capisco" - understand
"non lo so" - I don't know
"quanto" - how much?

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